nip Cool Twister — Cools boiling water from 100 C? to desired temperature for Formula Preparation Review

nip Cool Twister -- Cools boiling water from 100 C? to desired temperature for Formula Preparation

– The perfect tempered bottle water in no time at all! – Easy to use, it works on the simple principle of heat exchange. – The boiling water is cooled down from 100°C to an adjustable temperature of 40, 50 or 60°C in only 80 seconds. Without power or chemistry. – Cools down boiling water to the temperature recommended by milk formula manufacturers in approximately 80 seconds. – Provides a simple, fast and healthy bottle preperation. – Always the exact tempered water, therefore no lump formation. – Fits on all commercially available standard and wide neck bottles*. – World wide patented, internationally awarded, as well as TUV tested and microbiologically tested

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